Letra Q

Letra Q

  • Sold By: Bilingual Bee
  • Seller Rating:   0 Reviews
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  • Product Code: ELA.K.2.B.i + ELA.1.2.B.i + ELA.K.2.D.iv + ELA.K.2.E
  • Grades: Kinder, First,
  • Subjects: ELAR, Grade 1, ELAR, Kinder,

Use este archivo para enseñar el sonido de la letra Qq. Tiene unas buenas imagenes que le ayudaran activar el conocimiento  previo y conectar nuevo conocimiento.

Subchapter: Elementary
Chapter: Reading and Writing
Grade: Kinder
Subject: ELAR, Kinder
Main Categories: Kinder-(2) Beginning reading and writing
TEK: ELA.K.2.B.i(i) identifying and matching the common sounds that letters represent;
Subchapter: Elementary
Chapter: Reading and Writing
Grade: First
Subject: ELAR, Grade 1
Main Categories: Grade 1 - (2) Beginning reading and writing.
TEK: ELA.1.2.B.i(i) decoding words in isolation and in context by applying common letter sound correspondences;
Subchapter: Elementary
Chapter: Reading and Writing
Grade: Kinder
Subject: ELAR, Kinder
Main Categories: Kinder-(2) Beginning reading and writing
TEK: ELA.K.2.D.iv(iv) recognizing the difference between a letter and a printed word; and
Subchapter: Elementary
Chapter: Reading and Writing
Grade: Kinder
Subject: ELAR, Kinder
Main Categories: Kinder-(2) Beginning reading and writing
TEK: ELA.K.2.E(E) develop handwriting by accurately forming all uppercase and lowercase letters using appropriate directionality.

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